VALVERBE PHYTOTHERAPY: Gemmotherapy in the Varaita Valley

Gemoderivatives, all the power of Nature in liquid form.

Perhaps not everyone knows that Valverbe produces gemmoderivatives and phytotherapeutic supplements to order for third parties, in accordance with the French Pharmacopoeia.
A cornerstone of the world of natural medicine, gemmotherapy is considered a homeopathic therapy with great potential. The aim of this article is to explain the concepts behind the production of phytotherapeutic products, from the harvesting of young buds to the packaging of the finished product. In particular, we will explain what Gemmoderivatives are and what benefits these natural liquid supplements can bring to the body.    


What are Gemmoderivatives

Gemmotherapy uses embryonic tissues with potential reproductive capacity for therapeutic purposes. The mostly used are the following ones:
  • Buds
  • Young shoots
  • Lymphs
  • Rootlets
Each of these plant elements is rich in growing tissue and, apart from the specific properties of the different plants used, they contain plant hormones, mineral salts, amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins and proteins that can bring obvious benefits to the human body.
Gemmotherapy differs from classical phytotherapy in the raw material used: in the traditional branch, parts of adult plants are used, consisting of cells without the ability to multiply.    

How Gemoderivatives are produced: The production phases


The production of bud extracts involves a fundamental step beforehand: the harvesting of plant material. From the beginning of February to the end of June, during the budding phase of each species, buds, young shoots, rootlets and sprouts are collected in their natural habitat and brought to the laboratory immediately. The collection of fresh raw material ensures the total preservation of the quality properties of the active ingredients it contains.



Once the plant material arrives at the laboratory, it is immediately processed. The crop is selected, thoroughly cleaned and chopped to facilitate maceration.
The first processing step is to determine the dry residue. A minimum amount of material is taken and the dry residue is calculated after rapid drying (10-15 minutes in a drying oven). This step is essential for calculating the amount of water contained in the plant and therefore for determining the quantity of solvent needed during the next stage, i.e. maceration.  


The material is placed in stainless steel containers for food use and left to macerate in a solution of alcohol and glycerol for 21 days. The percentage of alcohol and glycerol varies according to the species treated and depends, as mentioned above, on the amount of water it contains. The finished product is made according to the French pharmacopoeia with a fixed alcohol content of 60°.
The alcohol and glycerol solution guarantees the extraction of all the beneficial properties contained in the steeping sprouts.



When maceration is complete, the vegetable mass is squeezed - so as to release all the substances retained in the macerated parts - and the phytotherapeutic liquid is left to decant for about a day, to allow the particulate matter to settle to the bottom. After the day of decantation, the product is filtered through cellulose filters.


After testing the conformity of the phytotherapeutic product with an alcohol content of 60°, further organoleptic analyses are carried out - to test the odour, colour and taste of the glyceric macerate - and physical analyses - to check density and any residue.
At this point, the product is packaged in special containers and stored.  


Why to take Gemoderivatives

As mentioned above, because the raw material is freshly harvested, it is an intact product, still containing all the organic and enzymatic active principles.
Maceration in the alcoholic and glyceric solution initially blocks the enzymatic activity of the plant and also allows the active ingredients to be extracted in their entirety, which helps stabilise them.
At the time of intake, the recommended or prescribed drops are diluted in water to restore the enzymatic and therapeutic activity of the phytotherapeutic product. The aim of these homeopathic medicines is to support the vital functions of the cells in our tissues by intervening on the metabolism in a gentle, non-invasive but profound way.      

Where to buy Bud extracts

Gemoderivatives can be purchased in pharmacies and herbalist's shops. At the moment Valverbe does not sell its products to the public, but only to the B2B channel. If you have a pharmaceutical industry and are interested in purchasing our phyto-preparations, please contact us!    

Which bud extracts do we produce in Valverbe?

It is important to underline that within the Valverbe Laboratory we operate according to two types of concentration:
  • A classic concentration according to the French Pharmacopoeia with a drug/solvent ratio of 1:20;
  • A second concentration, which is increasingly in demand, with a drug/solvent ratio of 1:10.
          The most successful glycerinated preparations are the following:
  • Gemmoderivative of HIPPOCASTANUS - AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUS, appreciated for its therapeutic properties in the veins. The flavonoids, saponins and escin contained in Horse Chestnut provide anti-edemigenous, astringent, decongestant, vasoprotective and antiphlogistic benefits.
  • Gemmoderivative of BLACK ALTANUS - ALNUS GLUTINOSA, with astringent, tonic and febrifuge properties. Black Alder is prescribed for the treatment of cephalalgic or migraine crises.
  • BETULLA budmoderivative - BETULA VERRUCOSA LINFA, with its incomparable diuretic power and direct action on the renal epithelium. Birch is taken to combat cellulite, as it promotes the disappearance of fibroconnective nodules.
  • Gemmoderivative of CARPINO BIANCO - CARPINUS BETULUS, known for its astringent properties. White Hornbeam is used to treat diarrhoea and catarrhal inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Bud extract of WHITE HAWTHORN - CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA, used to regulate heart rhythm.
  • Gemmoderivative of FIGO - FICUS CARICA, which acts on the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.
  • GEM ORIGINATE FROM BLACKCURRANT - RIBES NIGRUM, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect as it acts as a natural cortisone.
  • ROSA CANINA bud bud extract, with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Useful in treating tonsillitis and tracheobronchitis.
  • RASPBERRY - RUBUS IDAEUS bud-graft, with a clear effect on female endocrine balance.
  • TILLA budmoderivative - TILLIA TOMENTOSA, which has an anxiolytic and antispasmodic effect.
  • GRAPEFRUIT bud-vegetable - VACCINIUM VITIS IDAEA, used for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties on the urinary tract.
  • Grapevine bud extract of VINE - VITIS VINIFERA, active on joints and adjuvant in the treatment of joint pain. It is used in the treatment of general inflammatory conditions.
        Valverbe is distinguished by the preparation of well over 85 Gemmoderivatives. If you are the owner of a pharmacy or herbalist shop and are interested in knowing which particular products are prepared in our Laboratory, do not hesitate to contact us!  