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Constitutional waters

The open-cell drying technology carried out by VALVERBE allows to recover the water contained in the constitutive tissue of the dried plant. For this reason, the product is called: CONSTITUTIONAL or CELLULAR WATER.

The first analyses carried out through gaschromatography detect the presence of volatile substances of active ingredients, while the PLC analysis maintains a flat profile similar to distilled water.

Research has therefore allowed to operate a first distinction between water from plants characterized by essential oils and plants characterized by active ingredients.

Waters have a strong energy aspect that comes from the plant that generated it. The cell containing the liquid is in fact the vital laboratory of the plant and it contains all the “energy” information, the results of tests carried out have confirmed the unique features of this product that should not be confused or compared to simple aromatic waters obtained through “washing” of the distillation equipment.

A fundamental element for the use of these tissue waters is their stabilization and preservation.

VALVERBE uses a stabilization system based on membrane filters capable of controlling any spore form present in the liquid.

The filtering line is composed of two cartridges in series with different filtering capacity.

Such plant completes the packaging cycle in “BAG in BOX” pockets so as to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of the product without the addition of preservatives.

Constitutional waters are currently a great diluent for all solutions that require an aqueous phase in their preparation.

They are an excellent basis for cosmetic products such as creams – shampoos – shower gels – cleansing gels – moisturizing creams etc.

Beginning of the drying

Integral cell membrane

Phase One

Opening of cellular stomata and leaking of constitutional water with recovery in stainless steel tanks

Integrity at the end

Membrane, botanical sequence, aroma and flavor, active ingredients